Actors Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff have been shooting for their upcoming film Bade Miyan Chote Miyan in Jordan. Akshay took to Instagram and posted a photograph with Tiger and other cast members covered in mud as they took a dip in Jordan’s famous Dead Sea. He captioned it as, “Tired of the same old memes, here’s some new mud-terial This is how we celebrated the end of this memorable schedule of #BadeMiyanChoteMiyan at the Dead Sea in Jordan. It’s a ‘wrap’!” Dead Sea, the deepest hypersaline lake in the world, is said to be rich in minerals which makes it a preferred tourist spot. The duo has been shooting for the film, which will be released on Eid 2024.
Next up, Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt is a happy grandfather radiating in the energy of Raha, who he calls “a piece of heaven”. In a chat with Zoom, Mahesh Bhatt, father of Alia, said Raha is the “epicentre” of the house and added that she is the newest star of the family. He said, “So when you go there, they just stay in the background and only she emerges as the enchanting, mesmerising entity. I, myself, was quite surprised that they did that. I think they must have felt that OK, now, she’s one year and it’s time for her to be introduced to the world at large, who was very curious to know what their baby looks like.”
Superstar Dharmendra’s daughter Ajeeta, who lives in the US, is currently in Udaipur, India to host the wedding ceremony of her daughter Nikita. Dharmendra, along with the rest of the Deol family attended the marriage ceremony. Nikita’s uncle, actor Abhay Deol took to Instagram and posted a selfie with the newlywed couple. Abhay also wrote a sweet note for her in the caption, which read, “The bride and the groom ladies and gentlemen, send them your blessings for this new chapter in their lives. Amazing how I still see the little baby girl in my niece more than the amazing woman she has become!” Fans congratulated the newlyweds, praising Abhay’s charming smile. He shared a video from the wedding.
Lastly, fresh from the success of her recent series “Karma Calling,” Ravina Tandon credited her 33-year career’s success to good karma. In a chat with PTI, she said, “I strongly believe in karma. What you put out in this world takes a full circle and comes back. As you sow, so shall you reap. Whether the films I did earlier or the ones I’m doing now or even the web shows I’m doing like Aranyak. It is a big hit and I won all the awards, it was a good year for me. Then KGF: Chapter 2 came. I’ll say I have some good karma working for me, be it on streamers or theatrical releases.”